Disrupt Her: How Miki Agrawal is Driven by the Value of People. Conscious Capitalism

Every day for months, I had been taking the subway to the World Trade Center. I would meet up with a friend who worked on the 100th floor, we would get coffee together at a cafe in the lobby, and then I would walk across the street to my office where I’d been working as an investment banker. This was how my mornings unfolded. On this day, however, the sun was shining through my bedroom window when I rolled over and opened my eyes. I looked over at the clock next to my bed and it read 10 a.m. Immediately, a degree of disbelief washed over me. I leapt out of bed and frantically got ready. On this day, I accidentally slept in, and half an hour after I woke up, nearly 3,000 people had died.

Read more here: https://www.consciouscapitalism.org/blog/

What You Can’t Be is a Hypocrite. by Conscious Capitalism

Conscious Capitalism Credo:

We believe that business is good because it creates value, it is ethical because it is based on voluntary exchange, it is noble because it can elevate our existence, and it is heroic because it lifts people out of poverty and creates prosperity. Free enterprise capitalism is the most powerful system for social cooperation and human progress ever conceived. It is one of the most compelling ideas we humans have ever had. But we can aspire to even more.

Read more here: https://www.consciouscapitalism.org/about/credo 

Running: The Best & Worst Movement You Can Do, by MovNat


MovNat is about movement. It is what we practice and what we teach. Anyone can gain from improving their movement, from elite athletes to those quite out of shape. You don’t have to be fit to move, you have to move to be fit.


We often hear this. When you reconnect with your body’s natural movement abilities – everything from getting out of bed to moving furniture, to playing with your children will feel different. You will be astonished how your body responds to practicing its natural movements. The complex and adaptable movement patterns practiced in MovNat promote a clarity and restful state for the mind. This feeling of competence, peace, and grace is the feeling of being your true self.

Read more here: https://www.movnat.com/approach/

5 Tips for MovNat Beginners


MovNat is about movement. It is what we practice and what we teach. Anyone can gain from improving their movement, from elite athletes to those quite out of shape. You don’t have to be fit to move, you have to move to be fit.


We often hear this. When you reconnect with your body’s natural movement abilities – everything from getting out of bed to moving furniture, to playing with your children will feel different. You will be astonished how your body responds to practicing its natural movements. The complex and adaptable movement patterns practiced in MovNat promote a clarity and restful state for the mind. This feeling of competence, peace, and grace is the feeling of being your true self.

Read more here: https://www.movnat.com/approach/

Jeff Boss : There is no work/life balance

4 Leadership Lessons That Leaders Say they Wish They Had Learned Sooner

There is no work/life balance.

Stop chasing it. The whole work/life balance thing doesn’t exist if you’re ambitious, motivated and hungry. You can’t get to the next level, achieve your goals or pursue your dreams if you’re only playing 50% of the time. To do what you love and love what you do takes work—a lot of work. I certainly didn’t become a SEAL because I had “balance.” Instead, what I had was an obsession. I had a goal and was obsessed with achieving it. As a result, I created impact in my life and in my work. Think of the work and life domains as existing along a spectrum where one day requires more effort at work and another demands more attention at home. Obviously, the challenge is when work demands all your attention such that it takes away from your impact at home. Accept it. Stop fighting it. You can’t chase both dragons. That’s why setting decision-making boundaries for yourself and your team is so important because boundaries reduce the sense of enormity and overwhelm caused by uncertainty. Speaking of decisions…


Jeff Boss : Making the right decision vs. making the safe decision

4 Leadership Lessons That Leaders Say they Wish They Had Learned Sooner

Making the right decision vs. making the safe decision.

I spoke to a healthcare project management team one time and I asked the group, “What does leadership mean to you?” One of the participants responded, “Leadership is about being liked.” No, leadership is not about being liked. If leadership were about being liked then it wouldn’t be called leadership, it’d be called friendship.

Leadership is about having the courage to make unpopular decisions because they’re the right decisions. It’s also a leader’s job to communicate not only the why behind that decision so people understand the rationale behind it but to also to listen to people’s concerns so you can make a more informed decision…

Jeff Boss : Emotions aren’t scary

4 Leadership Lessons That Leaders Say they Wish They Had Learned Sooner

Emotions aren’t scary.

Emotions are uncomfortable topics for weak leaders. That’s a strong statement, I know, but in my experience as a leadership coach, the strongest leaders are comfortable talking about emotions because they’re confident with themselves. Think of it this way. Leadership takes courage. If leadership was easy then it wouldn’t be an approximate $130 billion industry and I’d be out of a job. Performing a skill you’re already good at or having a discussion about a topic you’re already comfortable with isn’t leading, it’s execution. It takes courage to talk about uncomfortable topics (emotions in this case), and when you do, you become not only more resilient as a result but also a leader that people are willing to follow because of your courage…


Jeff Boss : Behind every complaint is an unexplored question

4 Leadership Lessons That Leaders Say they Wish They Had Learned Sooner

Behind every complaint is an unexplored question.

Meetings are more than employees simply getting together to talk and “figure things out.” Meetings provide an opportunity for connection and belonging. Nowhere else are there such glaring opportunities to build community, make decisions, connect and find meaning. However, counterproductive workplace behaviors, such as showing up late or having sidebar conversations, pose direct threats to such opportunities. Even a seemingly benign remark by an employee provides insight into that employee’s world. Instead of ignoring it, ask the employee to help you understand his or her thinking behind it. Otherwise, the same problem will persist or worsen…


A Jim Jordan Speakership Could Save 2018 for Republicans

Adam Brandon is the President of FreedomWorks, a grassroots service center to millions of activists who support smaller government, lower taxes, free markets, personal liberty, and rule of law. Adam joined FreedomWorks in 2005, starting in the press department and gradually moving into a management role. Adam is responsible for setting the priorities of the entire family of FreedomWorks entities, including a 501(c)(3) foundation, 501(c)(4) issue activism effort, and two political action committees. Before FreedomWorks, Adam worked as a state-level campaign manager, high school teacher, and non-profit press secretary. Needless to say, each role taught him the skills to achieve strategic goals in an environment of scarcity. Adam earned a B.A. from George Washington University and master’s degrees from Georgetown University, George Washington University, and Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. If he’s not in a suit, you can bet Adam is wearing his Jim Brown jersey, watching the Cleveland Browns with his wife, Jacqueline.

Founded in 1984, FreedomWorks is a community of over 5 million grassroots activists nationwide. Adam Brandon is the President and CEO. FreedomWorks exists to build, educate, and mobilize the largest network of activists advocating the principles of smaller government, lower taxes, free markets, personal liberty and the rule of law.

Trump Boom Ignites Small Business

Adam Brandon is the President of FreedomWorks, a grassroots service center to millions of activists who support smaller government, lower taxes, free markets, personal liberty, and rule of law. Adam joined FreedomWorks in 2005, starting in the press department and gradually moving into a management role. Adam is responsible for setting the priorities of the entire family of FreedomWorks entities, including a 501(c)(3) foundation, 501(c)(4) issue activism effort, and two political action committees. Before FreedomWorks, Adam worked as a state-level campaign manager, high school teacher, and non-profit press secretary. Needless to say, each role taught him the skills to achieve strategic goals in an environment of scarcity. Adam earned a B.A. from George Washington University and master’s degrees from Georgetown University, George Washington University, and Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. If he’s not in a suit, you can bet Adam is wearing his Jim Brown jersey, watching the Cleveland Browns with his wife, Jacqueline.

Founded in 1984, FreedomWorks is a community of over 5 million grassroots activists nationwide. Adam Brandon is the President and CEO. FreedomWorks exists to build, educate, and mobilize the largest network of activists advocating the principles of smaller government, lower taxes, free markets, personal liberty and the rule of law.

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